Israeli-Dutch Innovation Center

#12 Dutch Israeli Mini-Symposium on Desalination, Electrolyzers and Clean Hydrogen Production (17 Jun)

Clean hydrogen can be produced through electrolysis of water. However, since the solid oxide electrolyzer cell cannot operate directly with the seawater, the water intake needs to be treated. This water treatment comprises of purification and desalination. Israel is a world leader in desalination technology and can offer Dutch hydrogen valleys with the knowhow and technology in the field of desalination.


IL time (10:00 NL time)

11:00-11:05       Welcome notes

  • Dr. Racheli Kreisberg, Innovation Attaché, Netherlands Embassy in Israel and Israeli Dutch Innovation Center (IDIC)
  • Robert-Jan Smits, President Executive Board, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Dr. Mark Boneschanscher, managing director of the Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (EIRES)

11:05-11:20       Role of R&D for the manufacturing (industry) of electrolyzer systems, Prof. Richard van de Sanden, EIRES, Eindhoven University of Technology

11:20-11:35       Membrane development for desalination and hydrogen energy economyProf. Viatcheslav Freger, Laboratory for Membrane Science and Technology, Wolfson Department of Chemical Engineering, Technion, Israel

11:40-11:55       Electro-Dialysis for water desalination, Pepijn Fluks, Business Development, REDstack BV

11:55-12:10       Desalination technology in the use of electrolyzers, Tomer Efrat, Director Business Development, IDE Water Technologies, Israel                     

12:15-12:30       The HBr flow battery: For electricity storage and hydrogen production, Guido Dalessi, CEO Elestor BV                      

12:30-12:45       Sorek Desalination Plant 150 mcm/y, Semion Brover, CEO Sorek Desalination O&M

12:45-13:00       Discussion and action items

Get in touch

  • Embassy of the Netherlands in Israel, Economic Department

  • 14 Abba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan 5250607

  • [email protected]